>Etusivu >Ajankohtaista >Suvun historiaa >Nykyiset asuinpaikat >Ryhästen sukuseura >Ryhäset-lehti >Sukututkimukset >Yhteystiedot >Briefly in English
The Website Ryhästen suku
Welcome to the website of the Ryhänen Family maintained and updated by the Family Society. The pages are in Finnish. You'll find information on current topics, the history of the family, current residences, genealogy and family reunions.
The first known domicile of the Ryhänen family was in the Southern Savo, Puumala. Our ancestors came there from Karelia during the 11th-12th centuries, without surname. Nowadays, most of the family members live in the North Savo, North Karelia and Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
On the website you can also find information on the Ryhänen Family Society and instructions for joining the Society. The journal "Ryhäset" is circulated twice a year to the members of the Society.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the members of the Family Society Board (see the page Yhteystiedot).
We are in the Facebook – you are welcome to join the Group. Search the group "Ryhästen suku" or use the following link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/283531795386651/.